Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fun with Typography

I just found some fun typography art on Etsy today. The artwork is by Stephen Fowler of Gemini Studio Art. The one pictured above is a collage of famous Chicago streets that measures 10 x 20 x 1.5 " it costs $89 plus shipping. Also included in his street collection are San Fransisco, Denver, New York, Boston, St. Louis and Boston.

Stephen has created this unique piece for any baseball fan. This piece features the names of famous American baseball stadiums. It measures 20x20" and costs $195 plus shipping.

One of the final pieces I enjoyed was this Chicago White Sox golden retriever. You can also find a variety of dogs with the Cubs, Red Sox and Yankees on their hats. The piece measures 12x12" and costs $77 plus shipping.

Photos courtesy of Gemini Studio Art

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